Publication Ethics
Zant World Press endeavours to make sure that no form of unethical practice or behaviour has been carried out or demonstrated by the authors, reviewers and the editors. Find 10 top real money online casinos in Australia reviewed & tested!
Ethical Policy for the Authors
Authors is required to ensure that
- they provided original, unpublished, unduplicated and unplagiarised materials in their work
- materials used or quoted from other sources are adequately acknowledged, transparent, cited, mentioned and/or allowed under permission where required
- they did not violate or infringe on any rights of other authors and publishers
- data used is not copied from other sources without acknowledged . No concocted, untrue, manipulated data or information is provided in any part of the work
- their data is their own or that they have permission to use data reproduced in their paper
- funding source is properly acknowledged
- they have not provided any material that support or promote violence in the society
- they do not have any contact with the editor or reviewers for their work
- they complied to all other ethical issues or do not show any unethical/immoral conduct to increase the acceptability of their work
Ethical Policy For the Reviewers
- should ensure that the work is original and unpublished
- must not make any contact with the author
- must maintain the confidentiality and must not pass or divulge any information contained in the work to any body or organisation for personal gain or for providing benefit to the other person or organisation
- must maintain impartiality during review process and must not show any kind of biasness while accepting or rejecting any work
- must be fair and transparent
Ethical Policy for the Editors
- must ensure that all ethical issues are complied by the author and publication ethics are not violated.
- Must not have any contact with the author in any form
- Must be fair, unbiased, impartial and transparent while accepting or rejecting a paper.
- Must not pass or divulge any information to any person or institution for personal gain or gain of other person or institution
- Must not pass any information about the reviewers to the authors.
- Must ensure that the reviewers complies to all ethical policies